Sunday, February 12, 2017

Valentine – Essence in General Life

Life, as we think is full of chaos and uncertainties. We always keep on thinking to get solutions of our day requisites. LIFE – it’s full of opportunities! Full of miseries! But in any case, you are the only hero.

Start from thinking of yourself. What matters you the most? Answer is- what happens to you, for you, may be physically or psychologically. e.g.” India wins the match” consequence on your mind as being an Indian- “you feel happy. You will be a bit in better mood to respond any incidence”. Now consider “Spain won Euro Cup” consequence on your mind as being non Spanish- “it matters you insignificantly”.
So, for every human being, the tree of aspirations is fabricated around this simple but most important concept. This tree has four pillars-

Life TreeL- Love
I- Industry
F- Fame
E- Equanimity

For everyone these all are required. The importance and priority may vary by person.
Love– A kind of internal feeling is the far most important. From birth to every stage of life it has made us feel –we are living creature.
Industry– Source of income, to fulfil living demands.
Fame– The desire to be known worldwide, others consider you as a hero.
Equanimity– Having sense of philanthropist, helping others, mercy, consulting others.

Love- Except love, the others can be achieved by once effort. You can all earn in your life but except love. It’s a matter for which we are dependent on others. You can’t love yourself. It always comes from others for you. So you have only option that do love to others, express your love to others so that you can get it from others.And mind… love is the strongest ingredient of which we are made of, how much love we have, we are so much strong. So it always makes us internally strong. Many people think that Love never changes, but you can’t deny that it loses its intensity by time. Here, a question for you- Do love changes? Yes, of course. As time passes the kind of live for a person changes… its meaning changes… its feeling changes… But every form of love adds some different flavor in your nature and behavior.

Type of Love-

Love can be categorized in 2 groups.
Subjective Love – a kind of conceptual love e.g. country love, taste
Personal Love – feelings from inner state of mind subject to person specific

Here we demonstrate the personal love in more details. This has further four sub-categories.

Infant Love-
Source: childhood love is mother’s care, her fondling etc.
Effect on personality: boldness, adeptness, percipience,

Adolescent Love when child is 5+ child attracts toward in and out home activities
Source: siblings, games, toys, father, teacher
Effect on personality: Learning, family behavior, cleverness, argumentum, entertainment

Youth Love- this kind of love is very different from the others. For any youth- love seems to be own god. If you think about symptoms- oops! While you drink, while you eat, while you sleep, even in your dreams–your love is in your mind. Basically in life, people call it real love. Some recently researches on love have revealed that a person can fall in love more than once in life. Some thesis on youth love have deposed that this happens as the person in teen ages feels harmonic and physical changes inside body so opposite sex attraction is inducted that strengthens the will power and dedication towards a particular person.
Source: best friend, wife, special person
Effect on personality: Character, dedication, Confidence, Struggle, analytic power, planning

Family Love-
Source: children, wife, entertainment
Effect on personality: Stability, decision power, social status

Above we got enough about love. Now-

Valentine!!! –14 February

The day associated with romantic love is for anyone, who feels the youth kind of love for someone close… is best day to expressThe valentine tradition, originated from west is basically on the name Christian martyrs, who were buried due to love reasons in ancient Rome. Convention is of gifting cards, heart shaped toys, doves as symbol of expression to one’s love. The valentine week, which is celebrated prior to the valentine day on February 14, consists of seven days for specific purposes.
The valentine weeks starts with rose day in which roses are presented to your sweetheart. The next day Propose day is to propose your love (if you get a slap back celebrate it as slap day), Feb 9 and 10 are chocolate and teddy days in which these are given as gifts. The next days are for promise, kiss, hug and followed by Valentine’s Day.

7 Feb- Rose Day
8 Feb- Propose Day / Slap Day
9 Feb- Chocolate Day
10 Feb- Teddy Day
11 Feb- Promise Day
12 Feb- Kiss Day
13 Feb- Hug Day
14 Feb- Valentine’s Day

Enjoy all these days. But be careful, not to hurt other’s emotions as well. Like you take care of yourself, take care of others too… But if have something to say someone then… don’t wait, don’t waste yourself in hesitation…If you love someone then it need to be told. Throw a chance. Come on, be a brave heart. Now!!! Or Never!!!

See what mere happen???
Accepted- very good
Rejected- oops!!! No worries, try again with good preparation/ impression.
Not ready? – Oh! You need to read following example-

It’s a time when Thomas Edison Elba was close to 67 years; his factory was a millions of rupees. An accident in the factory caught fire and the entire factory was burnt to ashes. At that time his factory’s insurance was very low, and they were facing heavy losses. Edison had now grown old, the fire was very sad but one thing left from his heart – “Things happen only for betterment.” All our faults turned to ashes in this factory. Now I can think of some new beginning.
Just after three weeks of passing such a big accident, he invented Phonograph, so we can learn “where there is will, there is way”. In Life so many things happen, but instead of being knocked down we should collect strength to fight them down.

Tips to care:

  1. Use soft and explanatory way of discussion.
  2. Presenting Gifts/ help.
  3. Avoid straight No- rather use dubious words like: why not we do so, does not seems good, isn’t it so funny, it makes me feel strange.
  4. Smile is worth hundred gifts – in love be much careful because it has full of meanings for other person. It conveys message without saying a word. So even if you are talking with a friend smile means you are willing to impress and be in happy situation.
  5. Show your dedication/ moral support in your expression for your beloved .

Awake Vivekanand living inside me!!!

कहते हैं कि..
विवेकानन्द जागो !
विवेक को जगाओ , आनन्द को भी जगाओ
ये समय है परिवर्तन का, ज्ञान चक्षुयों को सक्रिय करने का
जलाओ अपने उत्साह की प्रचंड अग्नि को
जलाओ निरुत्साह रूपी निराशा को
जिन्दगी हो गयी है विवर्तन
हर कदम पर समझौतों का ही प्रसन
विवेक ढूंढे आनन्द को, आनन्द ढूंढे विवेक को
बात आकर वही अटकी कि…
साड़ी बीच नारी है कि नारी बीच साड़ी है
बात अब इतनी उलझ गयी है कि, मैंने उलझना छोड़ दिया
जब मेरा विवेक जगा, तब मैंने ढूढना छोड़ दिया
अब मेरा आनंद जागा
बात आकर वही अटकी कि…
कस्तूरी कुंडली बसे मृग ढूदे वन माहि
जलो तो जलो शांति की अग्नि में
डूबो तो डूबो ध्यान कि नदिया में
जिंदगी हो जाएगी प्रवर्तन
हर कदम पर होगा आत्मोल्लास का अंकन
विवेक मिलेगा आनन्द को, आनन्द मिलेगा विवेक को
कहते हैं कि…
विवेकानन्द जागो
विवेक को जगाओ, आनन्द को भी जगाओ
ये समय है आत्ममंथन का, स्वावलंब को ज्वलन्त करने का
-Jasp Vivekanand

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Feelings for you.. forever..

Have you ever felt?
I am inside you...
Probably you won't have mind

When you move, I am in your speed
When you sit, I am in your thoughts
When you speak, I am in your voice
When you sleep, I am in your dreams
I am as near as far from you, but you wouldn’t have cared...
That is a miraculous presence of me in you...

When the wind would pass
When the sun would shine
When the clouds would encompass
When the night would come
You can find me sitting in front of you
In the form of clattering of leaves of trees...
In the form of rays touching your skin...
In the form of drops drizzling on your head...
In the form of darkness enveloping your body...
Have you ever felt?
I am not inside you...
Probably you would have mind
When you are alone, your eyes search me
When you turn angry, you call me in your mind
When you open your eyes, you see my face in front of you
When you increase your longings, you feel my love in your heart
That is an eternal absence of me in you…

When I would have seen you
When you would have seen me
You can't find me wobbling anywhere in the nature
In the form of voice coming from my mouth
In the form of clock passing the time forever...
मै बैठा था किताब खुली थी..
अचानक एक तस्वीर सी उभरी..
मस्तिस्क की गहराई में, अन्तेर्वेदना की परछाई में
जैसे सामने कोई खड़ा हो, मुस्करा रहा हो अपनी ही लय में..
अपलक अवाक् हो गया हूँ देख के उसकी मुस्कराहट को..
आज फिर उसका दीदार हुआ, मै उसमे ऐसे खो गया हूँ…
जैसे उसने अपना आँचल उड़ा दिया हो, और वो मुझसे लिपट गया हो..
एक तस्वीर सी उभरती है और खो जाती है..
मै लेटा था, आंख खुली थी..
अचानक एक तस्वीर सी उभरी..
दिल की आकुल व्हिव्लता में, प्यार की छाँव की निर्जनता में
जैसे कोई मुझसे नाराज हो, मुह पीछे करके चिढ़ा दिया हो..
शायद मैंने उससे कुछ कहना चाहा लेकिन उसने अनसुना कर दिया हो
आज फिर उसका दीदार हुआ, मै उसे ऐसे मना रहा हूँ…
जैसे मै इधर खड़ा हूँ, पर आँख उसने उधर कर ली हो..
मै उसे अपनी कसम देता हूँ और वो मान जाती है
मै सोया था, मृणिका खुली थी..
अचानक एक तस्वीर सी उभरी..
नींद के परिताश में, स्वप्ना के आगोश में
जैसे मैं कही दूर गया हूँ, पास में मेरी प्रिया खड़ी है
शायद उसने कुछ कहना चाहा, मैंने कर्ण मुख पंहुचा दिये हो..
आज फिर उसका दीदार हुआ, मै उसे ऐसे सुन रहा हूँ..
जैसे वो घर मेरे आयी हो, झीना कोई गीत गुनगुना रही हो
लेकिन वो मेरे गालों को चूम जाती है और मुझे जगा जाती है…–jasp


I was sitting and my book was opened..
Suddenly a picture emerged …
In depth of the mind, in the shadow of self distraction..
Like someone standing in front me and have been smiling in her own rhythm ..
I have been wordless looking at her smile ..
Today again I felt her presence and I’m lost in her…
Suppose she blew her scarf and it have been wrapped with me ..
A picture emerges in mind and gets lost ..

I was lying down and my eyes were open ..
Suddenly a picture emerged. ..
Into the restless heart, into the shade of my solitary love
As she has been angry and have been teasing me by turning her mouth behind..
Maybe I tried to say something to him but she may have stonewalled
Today again I felt her presence and I’m coaxing her……
As I’m standing here, but she has moved her eyes there ..
I give her my oath, and she agrees

I was asleep, my dreamy mind was on ..
Suddenly a picture emerged. ..
In lap of sleep, In the dream..
Far as she is standing beside me
Maybe she wanted to say something to me, I have given ear to her mouth ..
Today again I felt her presence and I’m listening to her like..
As she have come to my house and humming a flimsy song
But she would kiss my cheek and I got wake up …

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Life with pain

Friends, weather in Bengaluru is fantastic but the weather in me is really running bad. Some times, we find things difficult to share with but we have to bear with. The personal life is a thing that always is full twist: sorrow and joys. When sorrows come, we feel it densely compare to joys. Last one month I am living with difficult personal experiences. When I wake in morning, I have hazardous feeling. Hoping it gets back fine.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Desire from the bottom of heart...

पास आती नहीं हो, दूर से ही जलाती हो
अदायें हज़ार करती हो, ओठों को दबाती नहीं हो
ये प्यार भी कोई प्यार है जिसमे तड़प के सिवा कुछ न हो..
अपनी मुस्कान से दुखाती हो, क्या ये भी कोई प्यार है..

१. दिल में उठती है इक हसरत, बाहों में तुमको पाने की
इंतजार है उस लहर का, जो आसमां छू ले
चरण छू ले, सर भिगो दे, आहलादित करे अपनी नाद से
कभी तो खुल के मिलो, झिझक के परदों को खोलो
रातों की नीदे छीन लीं, अपनी एक कुटिल मुस्कान से
कभी तो प्यार से चूम लो, बाँहों में अपनी झूम लो

२. जिंदगी के पल ये शायद, आये न कभी फिर लौट के
कोई तो पहचान दे दो प्यार के इस, हँसी जज्बात को
जिन्दगी है तनहा अकेली, साथ दे दो कुछ कदम तक
इस जनम तक तुमको चाहें, तुम ही हो मेरी सहेली
तुम ही मेरी पहली चाहत, ख्वाहिश की यही आखिरी हो
फिर न किसी अजनबी से मेरी कोई पहचान हो

३. कोई हवा का जाता झोंका, दिल को मेरे चीर गया
आह भी निकलती नहीं है, दर्द ऐसा दे गया
ये प्यार भी कोई प्यार है, जिसमें तड़प के सिवा कुछ न हो
अदायें हज़ार करती हो, ओठों को दबाती नहीं हो
पास आती नहीं हो, दूर से ही जलाती हो...

Friday, May 2, 2008

Welcome to the blog, that peeps inside the heart

Hey friends,

Feeling in psychology is referred for the conscious subjective experience of the emotions. While working, sleeping, even taking food the feelings are with us. Our feelings are a natural response to our thoughts and intentions. We don’t really choose our feelings directly. Our feelings are a feedback mechanism that come to our mind for a particular action with which our association is oriented at the time of instance.